
in bad faith中文是什么意思

  • 恶意
  • 言而无信地



  • 例句与用法
  • The unions think the government has acted in bad faith by reducing public spending .
  • Evidence of registration and use in bad faith
    B 、注册和恶意使用的证据
  • It was found that the goods had been sold in bad faith
  • He act in good faith or in bad faith
  • Iii your domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith
    ( iii )你方的域名已经注册并正被恶意使用。
  • It has particular definition about the person in good faith and the person in bad faith in commercial instrument law
  • For the purposes of paragraph 4 , the following circumstances , in particular but without limitation , if found by the panel to be present , shall be evidence of the registration and use of a domain name in bad faith
    为证明章节4 ( a ) ( iii ) ,如果下列特别但不仅限的情况被陪审团发现存在,可作为证明域名注册和恶意使用的证据:
  • Where the parties colluded in bad faith , thereby harming the interests of the state , the collective or a third person , any property acquired as a result shall be turned over to the state or be returned to the collective or the third person
  • The rule of foreseeability is applied to determine the scope of damages for breach , but not applied in nonperformance , such as void contract , voidable contract and negotiation in bad faith during making contract due to one party ' s fault
  • The whalers complain , with some justification , that whale - hugging nations have been arguing in bad faith ; they have no intention of allowing whaling to resume no matter how healthy stocks become , and are calling for endless studies only as a delaying tactic
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • in bad faithとは意味:不誠実{ふせいじつ}に、邪悪{じゃあく}な、不正直{ふしょうじき}な意図{いと}を持って、二枚舌{にまいじた}で He acted in bad faith when lying to his friend to get money. 彼は二枚舌で、お金を得るために友人にうそをついた。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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